Thursday, October 8, 2009

That's right people, that's my route. That right there is what I plan to ride next summer on my bicycle. Now I know some of you already think I'm nuts for wanting to do this ride. But now you can its really not that big a deal. I mean how hard could it be to ride 3 1/2 inches lol. In reality though those three inches represent 3830 miles. I know what your thinking, " man this dude is gonna have a blast next summer." But its not all fun and games my friends. I got a lot of work ahead of me still. I have to raise $4000 before I can go on this trip. Now I have something like 6 months at this point to raise all the money. I haven't gotten the final departure date for my route yet. That's where all of you come in. Is it for a good cause you ask. Yes, a great cause actually. I'm raising money to help build houses for low income families across the U.S. And the trip, well that's to help bring awareness to the cause. Myself and the other riders on this route are going to stop along the way and give presentations on what the affordable housing cause is all about. We will also help in the construction of actual homes. I appreciate all the support I can get. Log on to and see what its all about. You can find my bio on the 2010 Riders list, Northern,U.S. route.

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness...what an adventure! Good luck!
